Pulmonary function parameters like the ratio of expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) and forced vital capacity (FVC) are the current gold standard for disease diagnosis and monitoring. However, early disease detection remains limited due to missing regional information. In this study the forced expiratory maneuver was captured with a dynamic MRI acquisition, as used in Fourier decomposition or phase-resolved functional lung imaging (PREFUL), for FEV1/FVC mapping. Results were compared with spirometry, PREFUL and hyperpolarized MRI in four healthy subjects and one patient with cystic fibrosis and suggest a potentially increased sensitivity in comparison with the tidal breathing approach.
Acquisition: Four healthy volunteers (age range 26-31) and one patient with cystic fibrosis (CF, female, 18 years) were included in the study. All images were acquired on a 1.5T scanner with the subjects being in supine position. The protocol included one coronal slice scan located at tracheal bifurcation using a spoiled gradient echo sequence with the following parameters: TE 0.83 ms, TR 2.16 ms, FA 5°, matrix 128 x 128, field of view 50 x 50 cm2, slice thickness 15 mm, 1500 bandwidth / pixel, GRAPPA with acceleration factor 2 and a temporal resolution of 138 ms. Each acquisition was accompanied by a simultaneous spirometer volume measurement. During the acquisition the subjects performed the following breathing maneuver: 1.) Maximal inspiration to total lung capacity (TLC), 2.) A forced expiration to residual volume (RV), 3.) Forced inspiration to TLC, 4) Free breathing till the end of acquisition (see Figure 1). As gold standard for ventilation imaging, the CF patient underwent an additional MRI exam with inhalation of 1L gas containing hyperpolarized 129Xe, starting from FRC, and breathhold acquisition using a TrueFISP sequence.
Post-Processing: For motion correction, non-rigid registration
was performed using advanced normalization tools (ANTs)6,7. Both measurement methods were
synchronized using cross-correlation. To derive the regional FEV1/FVC
measurement consider the volume definition:
$$\textrm{FEV1/FVC}_{\textrm{Spirometer}} = \frac{\textrm{V(0)} - \textrm{V(1)}}{\textrm{V(0)}-\textrm{V}_\textrm{min}},$$ with lung volume at TLC
V(0), lung volume after 1 s of forced expiration V(1) and residual volume Vmin.
Using the relationship V ~ 1/S with lung volume V and MRI signal S the regional
FEV1/FVC at voxel location x can be defined as follows: $$\textrm{FEV1/FVC}_\textrm{MRI} = \frac{1-\textrm{S(0,x)/S(1,x)}}{1-\textrm{S(0,x)/S}_\textrm{min}\textrm{(x)}},$$ The following
time-series in free breathing was evaluated with PREFUL to calculate FV and
ventilation phase. The later was quantified as time to peak (TTP) in % of
respiratory cycle.
Quantitative analysis: Regional Pearson correlation
coefficient (CC) comparing V(t) and S(t,x) was calculated. The lung parenchyma was segmented as region of interest
(ROI) by manual segmentation. Using this ROI, median and interquartile range of
FEV1/FVCMRI, FV and CC were calculated and compared among themselves
and with FEV1/FVCSpirometer.
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